
NotifyJoCo Logo

When emergencies happen, find out what you need to know when you need to know it with NotifyJoCo.

Keep track of what’s going on near your home, your workplace, your children’s school and daycare, and more. Customize your locations and contact preferences to get alerts at home, at work, by phone, email or text. You can also set your preferences to stay informed of non-emergency events like public meetings, city sports events, local festivals, etc.

Register now to customize your personal information. When your contact information or preferences change, sign-in and update them.


At the request of Olathe PD, we sent out a Notify JoCo to an area in Olathe in reference to a missing 12-year-old juvenile. Approximately 1,736 citizens confirmed receipt of the message, with one of them being an employee of the Sports Shack and Brew Pub restaurant. Shortly after receiving the message, the juvenile walked in to the establishment. The employee recognized them due to the broadcast and notified law enforcement. We were able to make contact with the juvenile and return them home.


– Sgt. David Ross, Johnson County Sheriff’s Department

What is NotifyJoCo? 

NotifyJoCo is a free mass notification system designed to keep Johnson County Kansas residents and businesses informed of emergencies and certain non-emergency events.

By registering with NotifyJoCo and customizing your alert preferences, you’ll receive time-sensitive messages directly from the County, city, and participating public utilities within Johnson County, Kansas. 



Partners and Jurisdictions

NotifyJoCo is brought to you by a partnership among the County, WaterOne, and participating cities. Check out the Partners page to see if your city is participating.

All cities in Johnson County are welcome to become a full partner in this unprecedented collaboration of local governments. If you're interested in having your city of residence participate, contact your city officials today.

View Partnerships

Frequently Asked Questions

If I don't reside in a participating city, can I still get NotifyJoCo alerts?

Yes. All Johnson County citizens will receive county-wide emergency alerts. All WaterOne customers will receive emergency alerts. However, if you live in a city that is not yet participating in NotifyJoCo, you will not receive local city-wide alerts or non-emergency alerts from NotifyJoCo.

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